Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Here's a picture of my Dad, probably the first grade. See the brand new pencil in his pocket? I think I had some haircuts with my bangs not quite even...didn't we all. Dad passed in 1999.


~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

What an adorable photo of your dad ~ love the brand new pencil proudly displayed!
I am sorry he is no longer here on earth with you, and I thank you for the kind comment you left on my Father's Day post too!

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear of your Father's passing. That is a sweet photo of your dad as a boy! Look at that darling face! That haircut looks like one that I gave myself once...boy did my Mother EVER freak out, LOL! I NEVER did that again...until I was fifteen and I ended up with the same angle, LOL! I managed to hide that one from my Mom, though, LOL!
I hope you had a lovely day on Father's Day! :)